Saturday, October 30, 2004

Halloween Haunts Day Two

Last night was loads of fun. I started off the evening by getting the first half of my Bubble outfit done. I went platinum blonde. I didn't really mentally prepare for the blonde, even though I knew I was going to get it done as an excuse for my outfit. We had to dye my eyebrows lighter, even. Michelle is my hairdresser and friend from college. She's amazing. Me loves it.

So from there I ran home to get some food in my system before I was off to do double duty. My first set was at a bar called En (2nd & Battery) from 9-10-ish. My friend Shannon was the co-host, along with a man I've heard about for the last 2 years but hadn't met yet, Pierre. Really good people. The party was a great time. I was there pretty early, just in time to see a few of the costumes trickle in. I hope to play there again, as it was a super venue. I also met up with some West Seattle peeps (the ones whose party I had to decline for tonight) who were there for the party at En. David was an excellent Homer Simpson and Matt was a Rastafarian. I met Matt at a party I played at quite a few weeks ago (where this
pic was taken). He's roomies with Dave and Mel. Their Halloween party will be rockin', too, so go to it! I got a Bre-mail (text message from my sweetie) that said Be and Demetreus would be there shortly. My tummy got a little nervous (as it always does when my sweetie show's up). Soon after, Be pranced in as Edy; Demetreus as a 30's Suave. Meow. I had to get to my second gig in time, so I rounded everyone up, downed the Heineken, and headed to the car with my records.

The weather was perfect for Halloween. Windy and sprinkly, not too cold, shaking the orange leaves from the trees. I remember a few years ago it got cold so quickly that all the leaves fell off the trees before we could enjoy the oranges, reds, yellows. Seattle doesn't have too many seasons. I'd like to enjoy the ones that it does!

So off to Cuff for the 2nd half of my double duty. It was a Hitgirl night --
LA Kendall, DJ Girl 6, Misha, and myself. The Cuff was a lot bigger than I imagined. The dancefloor was wonderfully large, and the boys seemed to enjoy our vocally form of House. The mixer was much different than I'm used to. I believe it was a Rane MP2016. It didn't have any way of hearing both channels in the headphones, which is great beacause it forced me to not rely on that the headphones and listen to the mains. That's the best thing about playing out, the ability to learn on so many different types of equipment and play to so many different types of crowds. I have a lot to learn. Zach showed up after work and I got to watch him and Demetreus make out. Yum. Those boys are cute! At 2:00 am I was yawning and by 3:00 am I was asleep in bed. An early night for me and the kitties.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Halloween is my Favorite Birthday

Halloween weekend and I have 3 gigs to take my lil' butt to. I had to turn one down, even, which made me really sad 'cuz it is a party for a very kewl chic who is VERY supportive of my gigs. Plus she's seen me in the most drunken, drugged out states of all time. She's really got it up at the end of the night, and hit up afterhours with everyone to see who really gets crazy. Fun stuff.

Anywhoo, the first one starts at 9pm at a place called En in Belltown (2nd & Battery). I'm wearing a halloween costume, but not my 'main' one of the weekend. I'm doing Bubble from Ab Fab. I haven't found her quite yet. Tomorrow is dedicated to finding Bubble. My girlfriend Be is doing Edy, and our friend Zach will be Patsy. Can't WAIT for the pics!! So after En, I'm headed to the Cuff in capital hill from 11-12 with the Hitgirls. It's a gay leather bar...mmm yea. I've never been there, but I'm kinda excited to check it out. I've heard a lot of nasty things happen there. Sounds just like the place for me.

Tomorrow I'm doing the 3rd Annual Dirty Hippie Halloween Party put on by my Burning Man and Session peepes in West Seattle. If you haven't been invited to this party, you haven't been invited to one of the top 5 Halloween parties in Sea-town. Seriously, these guys rock. Their place is always decorated really well, with goolies and goblins learking in all areas. The music is amazing and there are always different kinds of people from all walks of life. Work people, party people, music people, Burning Man people, gay, straight, wierdos, geeks. And there are tons of great costumes. So consider yourself invited. Put on your gma's old wig and get your butt over the bridge.