Monday, August 15, 2005

What dreams may come

The burning man dreams are almost nightly, now. Last night I dreamt that there was a no re-enter policy and we kept leaving for whatever reason. I only had one ticket, so the first time Demetreus sweet-talked our way in. The second time, Pink worked it out with the door woman by finding two names on the list (which happened to be the same as mine) and saying they were ours. I was having huge issues with this, because I knew it was screwing over whoever the names truely were. Was this the burning man way? But I let it go, as I figured there was a lesson in there somewhere and it would all work out. When we were in, the greeters at the gate were placing people into a small merry-go-round thing and making them 'shakeit, shakeit, shakeit'. It got 'em smiling as they entered the playa, cuz you can't go in there with a grimace, O no. My parents were there, as were some of my aunts and uncles (leftover memories from viewing pictures of my family reunion this weekend). There was also a lake, which made me a little mad and feeling old-skool. 'We don't need a lake!' I kept thinking, much in the same way that I refuse to use the Soniccare toothbrush. We've been washing ourselves just fine for years with leaves and recycled pee, thank you!

In real life, I gifted myself a surround sound system for my bedroom last weekend. I was looking for some nice speakers to hook up to my laptop so I can stream Groove and have nice sound. I ended up with a system that plays DVD's, CD's, and various other formats like MPEG, JPEG and MP3! Plus the adapter to hook into my laptop, so there are very lovely beats caressing you from 5 angles. I'm not much into flashy things or toys and such, but I have to say that watching X-Men 2 in surround sound is a lot nicer than it used to be.

Well, I'm off to put together a set for that I'm recording today. I'm totally nervous about it because I have to talk on the webcast. It will be a fun and great experience, but I've never done it before. Hence, the shaky knees, sweaty palms and procrastination. I joked a few weeks ago to Pink about how it would be funny for us to do a radio talk show at Burning Man called 'Air Numbarica Radio', a spin-off from Air America radio. And now here I am, talking on the radio. Be careful what you wish for, my friends.