Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Travelling 101

Travelling is like relieving yourself of a good poo. It’s easy if you go with the flow. If you try to plan where/when/how/who, you’re often left disappointed when you find bathroom. I haven’t traveled, I mean really traveled, in 10 years, when I was in Europe, and I’ve forgotten many things about it. Reading maps, mostly. I stared at one for 8 minutes before I realized the picture was pointed the opposite way. You forget things that you take for granted. Like you need money to get a train ticket going there and back. And that hotel rooms will put a hold on your credit card. And that deposits made on Saturday don’t go through until Monday night. I don’t have a credit card. I have a credit card bill. So when I was signed up for a last-minute training class in SF Friday (plane leaves early Sunday morning!) I applied for an Alaskan card on-line. Of course that doesn’t help me this weekend. A $150 dollar hold on my debit card doesn’t help me, either. I’ve had just enough money to get to where I need to go and even eat. But traveling is like that, really. If you go with the flow. If you smile at people and talk to them. If you ask questions without looking like a tourist. I feel like I’m putting on an old sweater that is slightly small and needs to be stretched out. Damm, my boobs look good.

I was on the Caltrain yesterday headed back to the city. My class is 45 minutes away on the train. A couple headed to the Giants game asked to sit in the seats facing me. I said cheerily, please do. They were talking baseball and a guy sitting across from us chipped in. They went on forever about players and stats and what team they came from, where they should go, why they were picked to play a position instead of another guy, and remember when the other guy was on the DL for tooth pain, and I can’t believe he hit that double to win the 15th game of the 2nd playoff for the little league world series when his cousin was traded for a green card, I mean, sheeze! I said my usual – ‘I stopped watching when the Mariners traded Omar Visquel to Cleveland’. That usually relieves me of having knowledge of anything recent but shows that I may have known a thing or two about some good players in my time. ‘Wanna beer?’ They asked. ‘Sure!’ I love traveling.

Things to remember when Travelling

- Don't bring a hair dryer
- Ask what the view from the room is.
- Bring cash for tips.
- Bring good quality speakers for your laptop.
- Send Pink a postcard the first day.
- Bring a backpack. Bags get heavy when carried up hills.
- Keep all your reciepts (mostly for business travel).
- Find an organic food store.
- The hotel will put a hold on your credit card.
- Bring a swim suit for the hot tub, workout clothes for the gym. And shoes.
- If you use public transportation, make sure you have enough cash to get back.
- Give a homeless person some food or a soy drink. That kinda shit always comes back.
- Smile at people and be friendly. You never know who might offer you a beer.