Friday, March 17, 2006

goan get me those baby back, baby back...

I went to the Veggiefest last weekend at the Seattle Center. There were rows and rows of vegetarian dishes to try. I found out that I’m a Flexitarian – one who has a mostly veg diet but occationally eats meat (going to Zoe’s house and porking out on steak doesn’t count). Pink is a spectacular Vegetarian (and kisser) She loves food (and kissing with food). She was in hog’s heaven. If you haven’t tried the Gardenburger BBQ Riblet’s, you must. Even if you aren’t a Vegetarian. There were people lined up waiting for them to finish cooking in small non-organic microwave the woman had sitting on the table. You couldn’t get to the front of the line. In basketball, we learned this move to block other girls from getting under the hoop to rebound the ball. It was a very effective move. You hunker yourself real low in front of the other person with your back to them, wrap your leg around their opposite leg, push your butt out really far and use your arms to block them in a jail-like position behind you so they can’t get around you. Someone actually did that to me. Just for veggie BBQ Riblets. I’m telling you, them suckers are yum.