Due to uncontrollable circumstances, the Opening for Sugar will be postponed until next weekend! I'm still opening with Julie Herrera & Miss Funk for Oscar P and Matthias Heilbronn NEXT Friday at Sugar for Cinco de Mayo! Until then, there's LOTS going on this weekend to keep you busy.
(Fri Apr 28)
James Holden (4HR set!) @ Element
Derrick Carter @ War Room! He is on at 10:30
Afterhours w/ JACOB LONDON at the EGGROOM (above EL CORAZON)
Comeback @ Chop Suey
(Sat Apr 29)
In Loving Memory: A Celebration of Seattle Music Culture
A memorial for the victims of the recent Capitol Hill tragedy
will be held on Saturday, April 29th. Located at the Seattle
Center's International Fountain and Mural Amphitheatre, the
two-stage event will commemorate the lives of the victims
and their connections to their communities. This gathering
will celebrate the creative and varied interests of the victims
through music, dance, and art and will facilitate community
building and understanding for Seattle's diverse population.
What: In Loving Memory: A Celebration of Seattle Music
Culture A memorial event for the victims of the shooting on Capitol Hill.
When: Saturday, April 29, 10AM to dusk
Where: Seattle Center - International Fountain and Mural Amphitheatre
Cost: Free and open to the public
with: Venetian Snares, Calvin Johnson, DJ DAN, Barry Curtis Trio, Doormouse, Reggie Watts, KLED, KJ SAWKA, Jimni Cricket. PLUS: PURE CIRKUS, SPINERGY, PRIMARY ELEMENT, & WOMANIPURA!!! Performing clowns, stilters, hoopers, fire, contraptions of grandeour, and MORE!