Thursday, November 08, 2007

The Gift

Last night Lg* said, 'You are very lucky.'
I said, 'Yes, but you make your own luck is what I always say'.
Lg* said, 'How?'
I gave an answer, but it wasn't very well thought out. I've come to some better conclusions today. A better way to express why the Universe has been so lovely to me.

Through DJ'ing, I've discovered many of my Gifts. By Gifts, I mean things that the Universe has given to me that have helped me through life. For example, I can see people how they really are, not as they present themselves to be. This is a gift because DJ'ing publicly is very social. When I am interacting with people, I'm speaking directly to who they are on the inside. I think people need that, crave that, and it draws them to me.

A Universal Truth is 'That which you give comes back to you tenfold, but never in a way you expect'. My Gifts bring me luck, but not directly. I use my Gifts to give, expecting nothing. I do it because it makes me happy. I feel joy. I help people first find themselves, then find their Gifts and eventually find their Art so they can express and start giving. The more I give my Gift, the more gifts I find.

I'm always actively working on being the best person I can be. The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz is my current bible of sorts. I'm learning not to take things personally. My I.T. contract was terminated two months early. This was a shock to me, but I'm okay with it. I can pay my bills for a few, that's one important thing. I'm very confident with my performance. I worked very very hard. And because of that, I know the termination has nothing to do with me. The claim was that I made too many mistakes. And its true, I did. But I performed my best, and, in my opinion, the best that most people could, given the difficulty of the situation.

I'm learning to focus on the positive. Positive begets positive, just as negative begets negative. 'What you focus on with your thought and feeling is what you attract into your experience'1, another Universal Truth. Instead of thinking about how many awful things were related to my contract, I'm focusing on what I got out of it. Things that help me grow.

For example, I was forced to learn a very large, undocumented system in a very short amount of time. Because of that, I'm much more confident about my I.T. skills. Secondly, I was working 50-60 hour weeks including weekends and many times worked until 3,4 or 5 in the morning or was called to work at 4,5 and 6 in the morning. I was more productive in that job than I have ever been. I'm continuing on that productiveness by using the forward motion to motivated me to work harder on my own goals now that I'm at home again. Next, I was asked to keep very specific details on the tasks I did throughout the day. Doing that in the workplace has helped me to focus the hours of my day now to work more on music and less on promotions so I can use my time the way I want to - to produce music. Another thing was that working so much renewed my appreciation on the importance of going out dancing with friends to get the grime of work energy off your soul. I needed that. I needed to be reminded that DJ'ing is not a job by having an actual job. Lastly, having to move my passions to the side for two months has helped me remember how much I get out of music and how it fulfills me. I want it in my life and I'm going to work as hard as I can to keep it there.

And I work. I'm a work-a-holic. I'm actually addicted to work. Addiction is not a positive thing, but chipping away at things piece by piece over a number of years is bound to get you somewhere. I've been a DJ for almost 7 years, in I.T. for 10. I have a college degree and started working when I was 14. I've come very far in life by just working hard.

I'm a very open person, a writer at the core. I want to share everything good that happens to me. I want others to be able to enjoy what I enjoy. I also want to share the bad things that happen to me. The most painless way to grow is by learning from others. I make many mistakes, because I'm not afraid to. I take many risks, though intelligent ones. I'm a true strategist. I think out everything. I've never jumped without that second parachute. But I rarely need it. Because even if bad things happen, they are still good. You make them into positive experiences, just by how you think and what you take out of every situation.

The more I give, the more I work, especially on myself, the more I stay positive and the more open I am, the more my light shines. And the more my light shines, the more people are drawn to me. The more people are drawn to me, I'm more successful of a DJ (or writer, or friend). And the more successful of a DJ I am, the more I can share what I've learned through all my experiences and through all your experiences. And the more that I share, the more powerful the Gift of giving becomes and the more powerful I become, as a person, an artist, a soul.
