Friday, November 19, 2004

Toot, toot

I know Gemini's never toot their own horns, but I have to in this case because Mel said a really kewl thing about me in my Friendster Testimonial and I really want to share ~

"Jen is the nerdiest rock star I know. She is smart, hot, and always making me want to dance, even when I have a broken foot. She's been cool to me from day one, keeping me up on the haps and conversing with me in geek speak. Good times."

Awe, thanks.

Some really exciting stuff coming up this weekend.
(Fri Nov 19) there's tons if Hitgirl action! Misha is playing tonight at En with Eddie. And of course the party out in West Seattle that I'll be kickin' it at.
(Sat Nov 20) the Hitgirls are presenting a major show at COCA with ...get ready... Boy George. No shit, dude! DJ Girl 6, Misha, and Miss Funk are all opening. I'm definately going to be there.
(Sun Nov 21) Miss Kick and Brandy Westmore are both going to be pounding some mad beats at the longest-standing weekly house night in Seattle (thank you Brian!!) Flammable at the Rebar. I know Sundays are difficult after a long long weekend of "rest", but you are Rockstarin' it this weekend because I'm Rockstarin' it this weekend and Miss Kick is outta here to Europe after this month and she is awesome you don't even KNOW!!! So put your most compfy dancing shoes on, ladies, go to the Timberline Sunday afternoon for their kick-ass drink specials, drink a big 'ol Monster, and walk on 1/2 block to the Rebar at 10. Oh, and bring me a Monster, too, because I'll be finishing gathering up some of my press pack (I am working on it, Kendall, really!) while you are at Timberline so I'll need to catch up to y'alls sugar rush.
Ok, for those who aren't ladies, there is an alternative to the Timberline on Sunday. Le Tigre is a killer pro-queer indie punk electro ish band that describe themselves as "one art-damaged, deconstructive, performance-art, electronic pop off-shoot of the grassroots punk feminist organizing and cultural production of the nineties". They are playing at Showbox on Sunday and they will be at the 15th Ave