Girl4Girl on Sat was a blast. Please take some time to email chris at girl4girlseattle dot com and tell her she rocks the par-T!.
Hell actually froze over as Elltee’s attended her first G4G ever (and love it)!!
DJ Stacy, layin’ em down.
Meagin Donovan, local singer-songwriter and passionate feminist's first G4G.
Chris, the night's Promoter getting embarrassed when DJ Stacy called her out for dancing on stage.
Dunc & Karen almost thinking about mashing me between them (some day…).
Shannon giving me a 'Raspberry' on the cheeky and me not remembering at all.
The kick-ass tracks & smooth transitions of DJ Special-T.
Actually getting to speak to Jen & Kelly for more than 3 minutes.
Raver Girl (aka Heather) spinning her neon yellow wrist bands for a Ravergirl origional lite show.
Kristi pointing out Kimber Xara so I could give her a big ass hug.
A line outside waiting to let in 1100 WOMEN !!!!!
Quinn following the BioGirl theme and looking cute in a hat & tie.
Spending lots of time with Evil Genius & Audel Snow (ok, that was at Digweed on Friday, but hey, it’s my blog and I can say what I want).
Shannon giving me a 'Raspberry' on the cheeky and me not remembering at all.
Only seeing Monica for about 10 seconds in passing when she gave me the ‘Yo what up’.
Not finding Zarah to dance with despite our calls, texts, and endless searching the left, right and center areas beside the stage (where else would she be?). Bew.
And G4G isn’t actually complete when Miss-E or Phin aren’t there.
Not calling Sheiny back cuz I was out prancin’ the town with the ladies. I miss him…but I know, as the origional PIMP, he understands.